
Hi, I’m Tawra Kellam.  You may know me as the frugal living expert from www.LivingOnADime.com . What you may not know is that gardening is my true passion!!

I went to trade school for Greenhouse Management and Landscape design but have been gardening for more than 20 years.   It all started when I took a high school botony class.  We got to grow our own plants and I ended up taking up 3/4 off the greenhouse with just my plants! I knew then I was hooked!

In high school I because ill with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia. Gardening has been the thing that keeps me going. Even when I’m not feeling well I can at least go play in the dirt. My wonderful husband does all the heavy work work and has gotten into gardening himself!

I live in Colorado with my husband and four kids and lots and lots of gnomes and gardening keeps me sane!

This website is a collection of all the gardening ideas that I love.  If you have a garden idea, pictures of your garden or garden projects you would like to share please feel free to send them to me and I will feature them if I can.